kids, health, nutrition, food, shakes


Whether you have a toddler or a teen, today’s busy lifestyles can make it difficult to keep a close watch on your child’s eating habits. Your children’s cells are dividing and growing at a much faster pace than ours and it is imperative that he or she eats/drinks pure and natural stuff to help ward off childhood ailments. Ensuring that your child’s nutritional requirements are being met while “eating-on-the-go” is one of the most challenging parts of securing your child’s health and happiness. There are many neatly packaged options that claim to be healthy, but the truth is often cleverly obscured with curious claims and difficult-to-understand labeling.

To get past those illusions and derive the truth about the nutrition that your child is really receiving, you’ll need to know some of the basics behind childhood nutrition. Before you try to learn about each specific vitamin/ mineral (micronutrients) and what the body uses them for, you need to begin with the basic macronutrients. The 3 macronutrients, protein, fat and carbohydrates, each perform essential roles in the body’s development and operation. All 3 are needed for the body to perform correctly. Each macronutrient has a caloric value and calories are a unit of measure of energy (as used by the body). You can check with your pediatrician, a nutritionist or a reputable internet source (FDA) for the right caloric intake and macronutrient ratios for your child’s age, weight and activity level.

children, healthy shakes, nutrition, kids



Protein helps maintain, repair and build new cells. Proteins are also vital to the immune system, the development of which is key during childhood. Proteins come from a variety of sources including lean meats, eggs, cheese, soy, nuts, beans, grains, etc. Protein intake is important for babies and toddlers, but required intake really becomes prominent at the onset of puberty. (1 gram of Protein = 4 calories)


Carbohydrates are the main energy source of the body. They are chains of simple and complex sugars and starches that are broken down and enter the body as glucose, the preferred source of energy in our brain, heart and central nervous system. Carbohydrates are found in many foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and nuts. (1 gram of Carbohydrate = 4 calories)


Although the word “Fat” has become a bad word in our culture, it is essential to your child’s development and optimal health. An important distinction however, is the type, source and quality of fats in your child’s diet. Mono and polyunsaturated fats, like those from olive, salmon or nuts are the best types, but even small amounts of some saturated fats, like those from coconut, avocado or real butter are good choices too. Partially hydrogenated fats (better known as “trans fats”) like those from margarine or found in many packaged or baked goods should be avoided. (1 gram of Fat = 9 calories)

Wouldn’t it be great if you could give your children perfect nutrition and they would ask for seconds? If that perfect nutrition was disguised as a sweet treat, it would be easy! After all, what kid doesn’t love cookies and cake? Sweet treats CAN come from natural, whole-foods and be healthy for your child. Our ingredients are pure, clean and carefully blended for balanced nutrition. From immunity boosting antioxidants to protein for healthy muscle development, each ingredient has a specific purpose in your child’s health. Our shakes make giving them perfect nutrition and keeping them strong and healthy easier than ever.